Hello friends
My long awaited brand new album Vagabond is now available for sale worldwide! Where ever it is you buy your music online simply type into the search bar “porter vagabond” and it should be there. There are several links on the side menu of this site to take you there as well. I still highly reccomend buying from my distributor cdbaby.com because the majority of the money you spend on the music actually goes to the artist and not a billion dollar company. Regardless i cant thank you enough for your support no matter where you buy it. Just be sure to leave a review and share the news with your friends through your social media.
Ive been a busy bastard these last couple weeks with the release prepartions and the gigantic task of trying to book a summer tour. Ive been successful with two major music festivals so far and hope to be adding a ton more gigs to the list. You can see my tour dates when you click on “shows” at the top of the page.
One down side to be careful of is that on a few online music sales company sites my new album has been wrongfully put with a mexican band also called Porter. Ive already sent in the separation request forms to itunes, spotifi and google play. hopefully in a couple weeks it will be fixed. So remember i have 3 albums. Any other than HIT THE ROAD, WILDFIRE and VAGABOND you see listed with Porter are not mine.if you see this mistake on any other sites send me a message please.
The other great news is ive been getting out and performing regularly again. You can catch me doing a few songs here and there around Cork and soon Dublin. Watch my social media for short notice gigs or open mics.
Thats all for now. I hope you love the new album.
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